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Powerful Empath Training


$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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I have worked with highly intuitive, sensitive, empathic clients for 10 years. Not only helping them recover from life experiences but more importantly helping them reframe what it means to be able to so clearly feel what others are feeling.


With the right mindset an intuitive gift can make you more powerful in a harsh world instead of vulnerable to what is going on with everyone around you.


We will spend time going over practical tips as well as working live with a client to find key underlying imbalances. 

Two 90 minute classes

How to Upgrade Your Energy Healing Practice


$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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​I’ve spent 25 years in sales and marketing building large organizations and training people how to run their own business.


I’ve been a full-time energy healing practitioner for 3 years and many of my clients are certified Emotion Code and Body Code practitioners


Things we will cover in the training:

  • How to develop a personal vision for your practice

  • How to make sure you are open to receiving abundance

  • How to track down the reasons you aren’t comfortable charging what you are worth

  • Why it’s important to move forward now instead of getting more training

  • Identifying the key reasons your muscle testing isn’t consistent

  • The simple technique I used to go from part time to full time in 2 months

  • How to explain energy healing to people so you won’t sound like a crazy person

  • Simple marketing ideas to start moving your business forward

  • And much more

Heart Coherence Training


$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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Video Overview

In the 12 years I have been doing energy work and Emotion Code/Body Code work for people, changing Heart Coherence has been the most effective thing I have done.


Heart Coherence along with Coherence of Intention and Coherence of Emotion are the 3 steps for stepping into the creative process and activating the Law of Attraction for your life.


Heart Coherence will heal your Amygdala which is where anxiety lives.


Improving Heart Coherence can also be thought of as:

  • Shifting from Sympathetic to Parasympathetic 

  • Shifting from fight/flight to rest/relaxation

  • Shifting from Fear to Faith

  • Shifting from an awareness of separation to an awareness of oneness and wholeness


When this happens it feels like your energy has been freed up and you can breathe deeply.  It will feel easier to be in flow.


When your body shifts into coherence, all the organs, glands and systems in your body have a much easier time working together as a team again.

Three 90 minute videos with online notes

(More sessions will be added to the content in the future)

Weight Loss Seminar


$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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Video Overview


Over the last few years I have spent A LOT of time using muscle testing and energy healing to get my 50 year old body back in shape.


Things we went over:


  • How I lost 18 lbs in 13 days

  • What is metabolic flexibility and how to change it

  • Why mindset and how you set your goals is the most important thing

  • How to figure out what your Level of Consciousness is around fitness and weight loss

  • Understanding the power of intermittent fasting and extended fasting

  • A simple trick that allows you to do extended fasting and gain muscle while doing it

  • Can praying over your food help you lose weight?

  • Does fighting with your spouse make you gain weight?

  • How to understand leading indicators of future fat loss so you know you are on the right track

  • Why your quality of sleep may be the missing key to fat loss and how to hack it

  • Why it can make a huge difference if you finish eating by 6 PM instead of 8 PM

  • How to figure out what supplements in what amounts could help 

  • What is your weight set point and your emotional weight set point and how to shift it

  • Which foods are the cause of hidden inflammation in your body

  • What are the proper amounts of proteins, carbs and fats for you personally

  • What is your customized eating window to reduce inflammation

  • Do you have hidden emotional disconnections from losing weight?

  • Are you exercising too much or too little?

  • What percent of your current protocol is needed?

Three 90 minute videos


Overcoming Anxiety and Autoimmune Problems


$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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Video Overview


Two part training on how to overcome Anxiety and how to heal Autoimmune disorders.

Two 90 minute webinars with video, notes, and links to additional resources.


I first started working with people with auto-immune issues 24 years ago. I saw great success before even starting to do energy medicine. The right nutrition and energy healing techniques can be an amazing combination. The most important thing we covered was the importance of creating margins so that complete healing can occur. Also specifically what parameter can you muscle test to see the progress with the condition.


Anxiety seems to be an epidemic in our country. I went over all the techniques I use to help many of my clients with this including how to heal the part of the brain that is the source of anxiety.

180 minutes


Courts of Heaven & Integration of AIHMT Toolkit

$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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Video overview


This 2 part video series covered operating in the court of heaven and using the integration kit portion of the advanced inner healing muscle testing toolkit.


In the training on the Court of Heaven I go over my experience of using the process in the Fall of 2018 to have major breakthroughs in my marriage and in tracking down a key spiritual hindrance in moving forward with my calling in life. I then do an actual court of heaven session for myself in detail.


The second video goes over how to use the Integration portion of the Advanced Inner Healing Muscle Testing toolkit. It has been one of the most useful tools I’ve come across to track down the stuck areas of your life which seem to resist change. I demonstrated on myself in the area of my lack of resolve and follow through for key areas of my life.

Over 180 minutes

How to Use the Map of Consciousness, Outside the Box results with The Body Code, and AIHMT Toolkit


$49  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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Seminar May 1st and 2nd 2019


This 3 part video training series covers how to use the Map of Consciousness, how to get Outside the Box results when using The Body Code, and the Advanced Inner Healing Muscle Testing toolkit to optimize the results of your sessions.


The first video covers The Map of Consciousness. I have done many many videos on this tool and each new video covers new insight on how to use it. This tool is one of my favorites because it allows you to quantify your level of connection to unconditional love. It is this connect (or lack thereof) which is responsible for the level of peace and joy in your life.

1 hour 43 minutes 


The second video covers using The AIHMTT. This tool was developed by one of my clients and allows you to dramatically increase the speed and accuracy sessions.

The third video goes over the atypical results I often get when using the Body Code. How recreational drugs can be useful analogies. How different bones in your body can have energetic representations, and much more.

24 minutes

You can download the most recent copy of the AIHMT Toolkit for FREE here. In this video I also go over many techniques I’ve developed over the past 10 years of doing sessions and training other practitioners.

1 hour 53 minutes 

Christian's Guide to Energy Healing


$75  Buy Now: Paypal or Venmo

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Here are some insights into the material. I taught this course over 2 days in Orlando Florida.  I drew on my 22 years experience in holistic health, my 10 years of doing energy work with clients, and my experience in ministry including attending RHEMA Bible training center for 2 years.

There are over 8 hours of video content created specifically for this course. I did the same presentation twice. Once on Saturday and once on Sunday. I felt the Sunday video content was clearer and have featured that up front. The videos follow the course outline. The course outline is filled with hyperlinks to additional resources as well as additional videos.


Material comes in a convenient PDF with hyperlinks to specific video topics for easy navigation.

Over 8 hours 

Occasionally I will do a training/seminar on a previously covered topic.

The new training will include different or updated insight on the subject.



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